2020 Digital Media Assets

2020 Digital Media Assets

2020 Digital Media Assets Tabbed Product Details

Digital Ads


The digital ads are designed to highlight the GeoCare Benefits Insurance Program. There is one digital ad size that will direct the member to the 10-Year Level Term Life, Group Term Life, or Cancer Care product page.


Recommendation: Place these digital ads on your website, in digital newsletters, and any other digital space you might utilize to spread awareness about the program. Please use the links provided below to go with each ad. 



Social Blurbs


These social blurbs are specific to each product and link directly to the respective product page. These are available to post on your choice of social media platform including Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.


All Products Flyer


This all products flyer helps to provide additional information on the products offered by the GeoCare Benefits Insurance Program. You can email this flyer, post on your website, or print to bring to conventions or meetings.



All Products Brochure


This all products brochure was previously mailed to each association, but you can also email it to interested members, post on your website, or print to bring to conventions or meetings.



Content Calendar


This is our recommended calendar for distributing the digital components.